Saturday, 28 November 2009


Just an initial post to say thank you to Selina for setting up this blog page. Im a techno retard so couldnt have done it without you!

Quick update for people. Hopefully you have read the profile and know a little about our work but the main issue involves the anti violence educational material including the film. Trailer below.

The campaign is moving along nicely. In December a motion will be passed at the local council (Taunton Deane, Somerset) which will officially back the work of the SAV campaign.

Schools are gradually picking up on the anti violence educational material so watch this space.

I have a conference with the Behavioural and Attendance Consultant on Tuesday at the annual meeting. If i can promote the material there theres the possibility of them using it and spreading the word at more schools.

The campaign is being picked up in other counties thanks to the hard work and dedication from others. Selina is pushing it in Surrey and is doing a wonderful job.

Posters have been developed and we are looking in to having them in pubs and clubs, hopefully on a national scale. A few pubs have agreed to display them locally already!


The website is changing next week. Same address, better site. We have had difficulties getting flash video files to work with the website software (i dont really get it!). We are now switching to html and it will look great.

So lots going on and lots to come. Wish us luck!

Oh, if anyone would like to develop the campaign in their local area please get in touch. Also, any suggestions or thoughts to incorporate in to the campaign are welcome.