Friday, 29 April 2011

Advertising campaign

Remember last year when we/i was on about awareness raising through advertising? This was not to be due to the extortionate cost despite playing the charity card! However, just when i thought all was lost along come O2! Not only have O2 provided funds and valuable support in the projects we are running but they also selected 4 projects to benefit from a large advertsing and PR package they are putting together. After an application and a presentation SAV has been chosen of 1 of the 4!
I hope this will be our opportunity to get proper use out of the advert we made with fixers! It is such a great piece and its something that i hope/know will have a big impact. Fingers crossed. I find out more next week.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

O2, ASDAN and the SAVed Project day

So the SAVed Project days are nearly upon us. We have managed to fill both days with only 16 out of 60 spaces outstanding on the 6th. SAV is also now an accredited ASDAN centre offering 1 credit for the day course!

I have just given a presentation to the PR company in O2 over Skype to try and gain SAV an expensive PR campaign involving celebrity endorsement, support and cinema advertising. So fingers crossed we will be successful. I should find out tomorrow.

Just to add to the recent pleasant supprises I won a Citizen of the Year Award 2011 from the local Taunton Deane council! Hurray!

So there's the latest. Whats next!

Oh the annual accounts and the trustee report will be ready soon. They will be uploaded to our website for public scrutiny!