Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Plymouth meeting and ITV fixers

Hi all,

A positive update this time.

ITV fixers, a major campaign enabling 16-25 year olds to 'fix things' for the better, are very interested in helping with the campaign. They would work with me using their knowledge, funding and contacts to develop the campaign. Like many others they cannot help with projects already in existence so i would have to think of a new project or a way of adapting the current one so they can help. I have a meeting with them on Monday and will update the blog on the outcome.

I attended a very positive meeting with 2 people from PSHEE Citizenship and Healthy Schools, Services for Children and Young People, in Plymouth. I contacted them a while back asking for their help to get the material used in Devon and Cornwall. We finally met and covered many areas in our discussions. Basically the outcome is as follows;

They will develop a couple of new lesson plans, one around violence and one around alcohol.

They have invited me to a meeting next month which representatives from many servces and the council attend to discuss violence and how they can tackle it. Here i can introduce the work i do and make contacts. This may also lead to working in partnership with community safety and allow possible funding.

They are very keen to encourage their schools to use the resource and use it in teacher training.

Basically their offer to develop an alcohol focused lesson plan can make us eligable for the Drink Aware grant of upto £100,000!

Whilst at the meeting we discussed ITV fixers and the need to develop a new project. We have now got 2 avenues. One is to hire/employ a facilitator and trainer who will travel to schools facilitating lessons and training PSHE teachers about using the material in an effective way. The other would be to employ someone who would be responsible for creating new lesson plans. The meeting threw up some names for possible employees which is handy.
The other avenue which can be explored as well is working with A&E departments. SAV would produce or adapt the film to play on screens in A&E departments which would be silent and have scrolling text. This is something i ITV fixers can help with im hoping as they can use their contacts to get me speaking to relevant people.

Obviously these are all at discussion stage although the lesson plans are a definet so i shall keep you all updated. I'll also raise promotion of new lesson plans with ITV fixers on Monday as they maybe able to help there.

So thats the update for now. Its been a good day! Im knackered!

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